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ISRO Recruitment 2018

ISRO Recruitment 2018 :
Walk-In Interview For ISRO Recruitment 2018 : ISRO Recruitment 2018 Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) notification announced for the post of Scientist/Engineer . The detailed eligibility and application process are given in below.
ISRO Recruitment 2018-fresher mail

Company Name
Post Name
BE-B. Tech
Total Vacancies
Job Location
Across India
Last date
20 February 2018

·     BE/B. Tech or equivalent qualification in first class with an aggregate minimum of 65% marks or CGPA 6.84/10.
·  Candidates who are going to complete the relevant course in the academic year 2017-18 are also eligible to apply, provided final degree is available by 31/8/2018 and their aggregate is 65% marks or CGPA 6.84/10 (average of all semesters for which results are available).
Age Limit (As on 20/02/2018) : 35 years (Relaxation as per government policy)
Total Vacancies :
Name of the post
Computer Science

Selection Process :
·         BE/B. Tech or equivalent qualification in first class with an aggregate minimum of 65% marks or CGPA 6.84/10 (average of all semesters for which results are available).
·         The qualification prescribed and the benchmark are only the MINIMUM requirement and fulfilling the same does not automatically make candidates eligible for Written Test.
·         Based on the academic performance and bio-data, initial screening will be conducted to short-list candidates for taking-up written test.
·         The written test paper consists of 80 objective type questions carrying equal marks. Based on the performance in the Written Test, candidates will be short-listed for
·         interview, the schedule and venue of which will be notified.
·         Written test is only a first level screening and written test score will not be considered for final selection process.
·         Final selection will be based on the performance of the candidates in the Interview and those who secure minimum 60% marks in the interview will be eligible for consideration for empanelment in the selection panel, in the order of merit
Examination Center:
·         Ahmedabad,
·         Bengaluru,
·         Bhopal,
·         Chandigarh,
·         Chennai,
·         Guwahati,
·         Hyderabad,
·         Kolkata,
·         Lucknow,
·         Mumbai,
·         New Delhi and Thiruvananthapuram
Application Fees:
·         Rs.100/- (No fee for Women candidates/Scheduled Castes (SC)/ Scheduled Tribes (ST)/ Ex-serviceman [EX] and Persons with Disabilities (PWD) candidates)
To Apply For ISRO Recruitment 2018   Post  : Click Here
Important Dates:
·         Commencement of Online application: 31.01.2018
·         Last date for Online application: 20.02.2018
·         Last date for Fee payment: 21.02.2018
·         Date of Written test: 22.04.2018
·         Call letters for the written test to the short-listed candidates: Second/third of March 2018.

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